Currently in Philadelphia — September 11, 2023: Hot and humid, but less so

Plus, we've reached the annual peak of hurricane season in the Atlantic.

The weather, currently.

Hot and humid, but less so

Whenever I left the house last week, I’d start counting the minutes (ok, seconds) until I began sweating bullets. So I’m happy to see that things are expected to cool down a bit this week, even if the humidity is sticking around. Temperatures on Monday are forecasted to reach a high of 84˚F and drop even further as the week goes on. We’ll have a healthy mix of sun and clouds tomorrow, with a 40% chance of showers and possibly some more thunderstorms after 11am. If it’s anything like this weekend, you’ll be waiting on the porch — umbrella in hand — for the weather to make up its mind before you decide to step out.

— Abe Musselman

What you need to know, currently.

Sunday September 10th is the historical peak of hurricane season in the Atlantic.

This season is definitely peaking right on schedule.

Over the weekend, Hurricane Lee peaked at Category 5 — the strongest hurricane of 2023 so far — and continues on a course to potentially make landfall in Atlantic Canada or New England this weekend. That’s still at least 5 days away though, and the forecast has a lot of uncertainty baked in between now and then.

Elsewhere, Atlantic Ocean temperatures are still at record levels for mid-September, and as many as 10 additional named storms could still form between now and when hurricane season officially ends on November 30.

What you can do, currently.

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One of my favorite organizations, Mutual Aid Disaster Relief, serves as a hub of mutual aid efforts focused on climate action in emergencies — like hurricane season. Find mutual aid network near you and join, or donate to support existing networks: